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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Barselona and ManU in semi-final

In stamford breez, Manchester United achieved a record victory. Also chelsi made confidence to do like manchester United in Old Traford. In a excitement match The brujs are defeated in their home ground. In the Quarter final of champion league and in the match of second leg, the gang of john terry are defeated by Manchester United in 2-1 as well as they go away fromtournament. 

In the match of first leg Chelsi are defeated by 1-0, which is in Aggregate method is 3-1.  The best team of Spain Manchester United confirmed their opportunities to play semi-final in the victory of that day. In first leg they get victory in 5-1 and in the second leg they get victory in 1-0. So in two leg they get victory in 6-1.

In semi-final the opposition of Barselona would be Rial Madrid or Totenhum, on the other hand the opposition of Manchester United would be Inter Milan or Shalke zero four. If Barsa and ManU get victory in semi-final then get back the history of 2009.Where Barselona won the final by 2-1.

In stamford breeze Runi gave the only goal to achieve vitory of Manchester United. In homeground Old traford Man U has one sided aggressivity. But in the beginning the attack of Chelsi was high and besides that Man U came back in game in the time of 25 min.

In 43 min Man U got lead by the goal of Harnandez. In the Chelsi's side Drogba gave a goal in 77 min and bring level in that match, but it was for a while. In that time South Korian striker Park gave the victorious goal and Manchester United got a vitory.

Garguson told " I think we played well, also Chelsi played well but that night is ours". On the other side Coach of Chelsi told "first 25 min we played well, but then rythm is cut"

In the ground of Shakhtar Barselona was pressureless. In small passes alwayes Barselona have the control of that match. In the end of that match Gardiola told "last three years I was a fan of Shakhtar, recently they improve well".


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